Large Deductible Workers’ Comp. Plan

Stabilize Your Client’s Cash Flow. Get Your Master Workers’ Comp Policies

Large deductible workers’ comp plans might not sound ideal to you, but for your insureds, they might be the best option. With a large deductible plan, business owners can save money on their operating costs when they have a more lower-priced premium. For some businesses, this extra money allows them to do so much more and scale their business with ease.

As a worker’s compensation provider, we know your goal is to deliver the best solution for each and every client you serve. That’s why we offer master policies with large deductibles specifically for PEOs.

With a large deductible master plan, you can supply your insured with more options to get the worker’s comp coverage they need.


Master Policies for PEO

Give Your Clients Flexibility with Large Deductible Plans

Don’t let high premiums cannibalize your client’s bottom line. Fill out the form below to explore how we can champion the best workers’ comp coverage together.

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Get Your Insured Top of the Line Workers’ Comp Coverage

Don’t let the occupational hazards associated with your industry stop you from insuring your client. Fill out the form below to explore how we can champion the best workers’ comp coverage together.

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