Healthcare Industry – Common Injury Risks in Adult Daycare Industry

For adults with physical or cognitive who need additional support throughput the day, adult daycare facilities can be the perfect solution. At adult daycare facilities, they receive daytime support, supervision, and socialization, and their primary caretakers can go to work or other daytime activities feeling confident their loved ones are being taken care of.

These benefits are due to the hard work of your dedicated adult daycare clients and their employees! However, in the scope of their work in this industry, your clients may be exposed to unique injury risks. For your clients in the adult daycare industry, these risks include:

  • Lifting injuries from assisting or lifting adults in adult daycare facilities
  • Repetitive motion injuries, which occur from repeating the same motions frequently throughout the workday
  • Needlestick injuries, which can occur if a worker in the adult daycare industry needs to administer medication
  • Patient-related injuries, including physical harm from aggressive patients
  • Slip-and-falls
  • Exposure to dangerous substances, including blood, other bodily fluids, or chemicals used for cleaning

Like others in healthcare occupations, your clients in the adult daycare industry also have an increased risk of exposure to diseases like the flu, pneumonia, and COVID-19. Due to the high-stress workplace environment, your clients might also experience mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after an incident like a violent encounter with a patient.

Due to common injury risks like these, your clients in the adult daycare industry may struggle to find affordable, comprehensive Workers’ Compensation coverage. At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we know the unique challenges of the healthcare industry and are ready to help your clients find the Workers’ Compensation coverage they need to navigate common risks like these.

We provide Workers’ Compensation coverage to businesses in need, no matter the risk, and will help you find the best PEO coverage and savings for your clients in healthcare and other high-risk industries.

To learn how we can help you find coverage for your healthcare industry and other high-risk industry clients, email to receive a quote.

Published On: February 14th, 2024Categories: BlogTags: , , , , ,
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