Agriculture Industry – Common Injury Risks in Dry Pea and Bean Farming

Your clients in the dry pea and bean farming industry play a major role in creating hundreds of different food products. But while working in dry pea and bean farming, they can also face many unique injury risks, like:

  • Accidents involving machinery like tractors and combines
  • Falls, which can occur while using machinery or working from elevated platforms
  • Other slip-and-falls, which can be the result of slippery surfaces, uneven surfaces, or poor weather conditions
  • Exposure to herbicides, pesticides, and other chemicals commonly used in dry pea and bean farming
  • Hearing loss and other ear injuries from loud equipment
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Hot and cold weather hazards for outdoor workers, including heat stroke, dehydration, and frostbite

When a worker in the dry pea and bean farming industry is involved in an on-the-job accident, it can lead to serious injuries. For example, a fall could lead to paralysis and a traumatic brain injury (TBI) while a machinery entanglement accident could lead to a life-changing traumatic amputation. Some accidents, like chemical exposure or heatstroke, can also exacerbate pre-existing conditions, such as asthma or heart attack risks.

Due to risks like these, it can be difficult for your clients in the dry pea and bean farming industry to find the Workers’ Compensation coverage they need to protect their business and employees from chemical exposure, slip-and-falls, and other common industry risks. At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we know the unique challenges of the agriculture industry and are ready to help your clients find the Workers’ Compensation coverage they need to navigate risks like these.

We provide Workers’ Compensation coverage to businesses in need, no matter the risk, and will help you find the best PEO coverage and savings for your clients in agriculture and other high-risk industries.

To learn how we can help you find coverage for your agriculture industry and other high-risk industry clients, please reach out to receive a quote.

Published On: January 3rd, 2024Categories: BlogTags: , , , , , ,
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